How Best To Use Your Words

How Best To Use Your Words

Reading Time: < 1 minute

CHILDREN – How Best To Use Your Words

Words are powerful. Once spoken, they can’t be unspoken. The reason you have to be careful about what you say or who you say it to.

On a faithful day, Jude looked his classmate in the face and called him a drunk. Not only that, told him he was a bastard.

Everyone thought it was a joke, because no one expected such from Jude.

Mr Johnson, his class teacher was shocked. He couldn’t believe his ears. Why would he use such harsh words on his classmate? Earnest?

How could he? He had taught him so many times about using his words to bless and not curse people.

Although Jude later said he was joking, the damage had already been done. How was he going to unsay what he had already said? What an expensive joke.

When you make coarse jokes at others all for the fun of it, it reflects back on your parents. People will think your parents haven’t taught you about manners.

You bring shame, embarrassment, and disgrace to them. People will call them irresponsible and probably say that to their faces.

So, when next you want to make a bad joke, remember your parents.

May God help you to remember How Best To Use Your Words, Amen.

Lord, help me not to bring shame, disgrace, and embarrassment to my parents.

Action plan:
Ask God for the grace to help you choose your words well.

I choose to bless only with my words.


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Laughing Your Way To Victory

Laughing Your Way To Victory

Reading Time: 2 minutes


A little deviation from our wisdom series this morning, I want to show us one way we can maintain our sanity in this present world.

The devil aims at filling our minds with negative things, that is why almost everywhere you look, there is one form of sad news or the other.

Social media, print media and other forms are equally not helping matters. One can almost begin to wonder why you were born in this generation.

The plan of the devil is to weary us till we become sick, tired, and even suicidal. But thanks be to God who gives us the victory in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!

There is an age-long, profound, medicine found in the bible that I want to prescribe to you this morning. Whenever you feel down, depressed, sick, angry, unloved, or any negative feeling, just use this medication and I assure you, you will be fine.

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. – Pro 17:22

God wants you quick, alive, and active. The devil wants you depressed, gloomy, and broken. The scripture tells us laughter is good. It is healthy. It has some curative powers.

Sometimes, just take off your gaze from the test you failed, the bully in school, the teacher that hardly smiles, the stress of the assembly ground, and just laugh out loud.

As a matter of fact, it has been proven that children are more prone to laughter than adults. Do you also know that God himself laughs?

In heaven the Lord laughs as he sits on his throne, making fun of the nations. – Ps 2:4 [CEV]

So what is your excuse? When last did you have a good laugh?

Go ahead and laugh over that situation because you have the victory already. Glory!

Father in Jesus name, always give me reasons to laugh.

Go ahead and laugh out loud

I choose to laugh always. I am not depressed, sad or gloomy. The joy of the Lord is my strength.


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How To Be Directed By The Lord

How To Be Directed By The Lord

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Dear child, one of the benefits of being a child of God is being directed by him. How cool is it to have God tell you how best to do something, and then you realize it turns out right?

God loves to direct his children. God loves to give us instructions that help us arrive at the right answer all the time.

See what the bible says;

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. –Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

There are conditions to having God lead and direct you, it’s clearly written in this verse. Let me show you.

1. To have God direct you, you have to trust him. Trusting God means that you do not doubt what he says to you and regardless of the instruction you are given, you have to believe that since it’s God who is asking you to do it, it means it will turn out right.

2. For God to direct you, you have to lean on his understanding, not yours. This means that you rely totally on God’s wisdom and not yours, God has to be sure that you believe he knows better than you do, and that his wisdom is ultimate.

3. The last thing is to acknowledge God. Acknowledge that there is a God that is all-powerful and all-knowing, who watches over us all. God is keeping an eye on every person in the world and he is guiding and shielding us all at the same time.

After we have done these three things then God will direct us. How will God direct you?  

1. Through the Bible

2. Through the Holy Spirit in you

3. Through your Parents

Trust God today and he will direct you, and tell you the right thing to do all the time.

Oh Lord, help me to trust in you

Pray to God for direction.

I trust the leading of the Lord for my life


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Understanding Holy Ghost Baptism

Understanding Holy Ghost Baptism

Reading Time: 2 minutes


As believers, one of the greatest things that can happen to us is being born again. The next to that is being baptized with the Holy Ghost. Now, don’t go with the popular notion you might have had about Holy Ghost baptism. Patiently follow these teachings with an open heart to learn, re-learn and possibly un-learn some things you might have known about the Holy Ghost and baptism.

The believer who is baptized in the Holy Ghost is operating under a blessing. Unfortunately, many don’t know.

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.Acts 1:8 (NKJV)

The moment you are baptized, a new power comes upon you, according to the scripture above. This power has the ability to transform you into another man. Your life before the baptism should be different from your life after the baptism.

I must state that this baptism is not only for adults. As a matter of fact, it is good when you are baptized in the Holy Ghost from a very tender age like yours.

One of the advantages you have over others when you become baptized in the Holy Ghost is that you communicate with God in another dimension. You no longer speak with Him in this realm. When you do this, the devil cannot hear or understand what you are saying.

That looks like what a superman can do. Well, you are a superman.

I will continue some other time on the other advantages you derive from this wonderful relationship.

Talk to your parents, teachers, or guardian to get you filled with the Holy Ghost today. You sure will enjoy the experience.

Lord, fill me with your spirit today

Pray in the spirit.

I am filled with the spirit of God.


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Being Specific With Your Requests

Being Specific With Your Requests

Reading Time: 2 minutes


“What do you want?” is probably the most important question you must ask yourself as a person.

Everyone should have something they want. Even animals have needs. Plants have needs as well. God, our father, has needs too. He needs us to believe, trust, and obey Him amongst other things. 

The blind man in (Luke 18:38) called out to Jesus “… Jesus, Son of David! Please help me!”

Note the exclamation marks at the end of his words.
Even when people told him to keep quiet, he didn’t listen to them. He still raised his voice, crying out to Jesus for help (vs 39). And he got what he wanted the most because Jesus heard him and stopped. 

Jesus stopped and said, “Bring the blind man to me!” when he came near, Jesus asked him, what do you want me to do for you?” He said, Lord, I want to see again.” Jesus said to him, “Then see! You are healed because you believed.” – Luke 18: 40-42 ICB

The man got what he wanted because he knew what he wanted. When you know what you want, you can have it.

Imagine if Jesus asked the man what he wanted, and the man had nothing he wanted. That would have been a waste?

Know what you want and pray about it. Jesus hears you and will stop to ask you what you want.

God bless you.

Prayer point:
Lord, Jesus, thank you for hearing me and stopping to ask me what I want. As I tell them all to you, I receive the answers to my prayers in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action point:
It pays to have a list of what you want and pray along with them. 

I will be specific with my requests. I will have what I ask for. God will honor me.


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